Saturday, March 21, 2009

New pet, Knight

A few days ago we rescued our new, lovable one-year-old black lab from the animal shelter. He's great! Very sweet, beautiful and easy to manage. Today he got his first off-leash walk at JBU. He swam across a creek with Sally while Rulon and I walked over a bridge, but on the way back he was afraid to swim across again. I waded in the creek and tried to help, and Sally tried to help, but Knight wouldn't budge. Finally we decided Rulon would drive back around and pick us up on "that" side of the creek. He'll get over his fear eventually. The water is high and cold now. One picture shows him at the edge of the bridge--He couldn't follow me across on it.


Wendy said...

I like Knight a lot, and all of the pictures are great...but the one of your kitty deserves a frame!

Just what are those Woods up to? said...

Aw, he's cute! and great kitty pic!

Wendy said...

Wow. Knight is sure excited about something. Meja looks beautiful. Great pics! Izzy